All I know is that these last few months have been a whirlwind mixed in these times. Clarity has yet to present itself. Although I can feel myself moving towards some sort of answer. Going through the motions doesn't cut it anymore. I ache for something more, something real to me.
So it got me to thinking, why do we, as humans, risk so much of ourselves doing things we don't find happiness in? If we truly understand ourselves, why do we feel the need to constantly gravitate away from ourselves daily?
Is it comfort and familiarity? Or, is it fear?
From what I have learned? It's a little bit of both.
I don't think we ever fully comprehend who we are, and there is a lot of beauty in that. Because we are constantly learning who we are, we have this innate ability to keep surprising ourselves. We have this fantastic opportunity to transform ourselves everyday. However, when it becomes difficult for you to progress that transformation, or the obstacles seem to hold you back, that's when you know that something has to change.
I grew up in a world where you did not give up. Quitting was never an option. You pushed until you succeeded. But one thing wrong with that methodology is what happens when we reach that success? Just because you are successful at something, doesn't mean that it is what you are supposed to live your life by. Success creates this false sense of security. It is why failures are so important too.
I look at my life now, and the things I am really passionate about.
Writing, Fitness, Nutrition, Hospitality, People
Of the things I have mentioned, I am not afraid to admit that I have failed, time and time again. I still fail to this day at some of them. But, the combination of these things, along with the other smaller pieces of my reality make up who I am. And, at the end of the day, my heart truly gravitates towards a life where I can hold each of these pieces close to me everyday, and not feel like they are a million miles away.
Living on Sunday night anxiety because tomorrow is Monday and work calls, is no way to live your life. It is not the way that I will continue to choose to live my life. The things we are passionate about, these large and small pieces of our reality that connect us to our true identity? These are the pieces of our life that we will truly be successful in, if we give ourselves the chance to pursue them.
This is why, tonight I make a promise to myself, and you should as well. To stop letting success be a crutch to stay in a position you are not happy in. To stop letting our fear and relinquishment of ourselves to familiarity be the obstacles that keeps us from pursuing our dreams. And to, everyday, move towards the life we know will bring us happiness, and away from the life that only holds the straps to the straight-jacket we allow to strangle us.
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